Richard Spencer May
1:The article, "Destroyed" written by Peter F. Martin discusses the use of steroids in sports. In the article Martin talks about how most people look at athletes who use steroids as "sinners" or "cheaters", but Martin has his own opinion. Throughout the article Martin talks about how we have taken steps away from what sports use to be, when Zues use to watch the players from atop a mountain, he says that juicing is just the next step away from what sports were and at the end of the day the so called cheaters are just people who are risking their lives for the sport they love. Martin feels sorry for the players who are juicing and unlike other people, he not as concerned about the game but rather the players themselves.
2: The game is changed with the use of steroids and well all the fans can think about is the game being ruined, the greatest thing at risk is the players, who are literally putting there life on the line by juicing.
3:"Sinners? Athletes are as free as other people to make mistakes and suffer the consequences; in short, they are humans like the rest of us. Or at least they were before they started juicing." (Martin Pg.582 Bedford Reader). I choose this quote because it grasps what Martin is saying versus what other people say. He sees people for who they are, well other people just accuse them as sinners. I like the fact that he can see the light where other people cannot.